Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DreamLover 2000 - The Ultimate Control

What is the Dreamlover 2000?  It is a state of the art male management system.  It has long been known that men think only with their little heads and not their big ones. This a fact that men themselves admit to, as they are well aware of their complete and absolute inability to control their primal urges.  This device came to fruition based on this widely known and simple piece of data.  In the modern world were we can fix such unacceptable behavior, the device becomes an absolute necessity to maintain a successful relationship.  It keeps the man focused on what is really important (his lovely woman or Mistress) through means of what is most important to him: his penis.

How does it work?

It works quite simply really.  The male is locked into the device and the woman keeps the controller with her at all times, even with convenient software installed on her computer or mobile phone.  She uses the controls to “adjust” her man’s or subs behavior via shocks to the groin.  Since the device is locked on, the man cannot take it off and since he doesn’t enjoy shocks to his groin (unless you enjoy that sort of thing) he is “motivated” into changing his behavior as she feels fit. 


The Dreamlover 2000 has many unique features that can enhance your love even further.  I’ve listed many of them below for you to see:

  • OctoCamo Mode: We all know men need to be dominated but they cannot admit it in front of other males, so stealth is key. As such, this device was made to be worn under clothing.  It is extremely hard to tell one is even wearing it.  This means that the man can wear it all the time.  To work, to the gym, out with his friends and of course at home where most of his training will occur.
  • Stealth mode: All commands are sent silently to the device via remote.  This means you can train in the presence of others and may in fact find that this is when a lot of the training occurs, since your man is likely to ignore you when watching football. Unacceptable.
  • Feature Modes: The device has different modes, such as the Leash Mode.  This setting restricts the man from leaving a certain area.  In the event that he does he will receive continuous shocks to the groin until he returns to his allocated abode.  There are many different ways to use this to modify behavior and this is just one such mode, but obviously ideal to prevent him leaving the kitchen area.
  • Practicality: The device is waterproof, so can be worn while bathing or showering.
  • Carrot after the stick: You can also program the device to pulse and therefore “reward” your man for jobs well done. It can indeed be very pleasurable and he will soon finally learn to anticipate your orders and do the dishes like he would never had if he hadn’t been trained by your device.
  • Security: The control pad auto locks after a short time of inactivity.  That way you don’t have to worry about the man getting his hands on it and using it “improperly”.
  • The DreamLover 2000 is 100% compatible out of the box with the CB3000 male chastity device by A.L. Enterprises
  • The DreamLover 2000 can be installed easily on a CB6000 with a minor cage modification described below
  • Some of the Mature Metal metallic chastity devices (such as the Watchful Mistress) are 100% compatible with some modifications which the manufacturer will carry out upon request.
  • Due to the "device agnostic" electrode design it should be possible to install the DreamLover 2000 on many other devices; however this may require skill and tools
  • We will aid users and manufacturers in trying to install the DreamLover 2000 on any chastity device; however, we suggest that you do not purchase a DreamLover 2000 without being happy to mount it on a CBx000 device if installation attempts on other devices fail. Furthermore we decline any responsibility for damage caused to your chastity device by modification attempts. To be absolutely sure, pick one of the devices listed here as 100% compatible.
Why would your man/sub where this?

Initially: He would wear it to make you happy. Later on: Because you told him so and he now knows his place. Either way, the “real” reason he is afraid to tell you:  to show his unyielding commitment to you.  To unlearn all of the bad habits he has obtained over the years and to become the man/sub you always knew he could be.  Although he may not enjoy his training, he will thank you and appreciate you when it is done and you will have his undying attention and devotion.

Why would you want your man/sub to where this?

You know men are just men, but now you can make them better. He will be more devoted you.  He will appreciate you and love you more because you are in control of his penis, which is the thing he appreciates and loves the most in life in general.  He will always be there when you need him and do the things that all good men/sub should do for their women/mistress.  You relationship will become what you’ve always wanted it to be and you will be happier then you ever thought imaginable simply by being in charge of what was in charge.

DreamLover 2000 Compatibility

In order to extend the benefits of DreamLover 2000 male management to the largest number of couples, They have customized the device to be compatible with the most wide spread male chastity aids, the CB3000 and CB6000.

Mobile Requirements (for mobile edition)
  • Only mobile devices running Android are supported. iOS is NOT supported and will not be supported in the future thanks to Apple's policies.
  • Android OS 4.1 or higher is required to run the application.
  • Not all Android devices are supported. Android devices MUST have USB Host functionality implemented in both hardware and kernel. It is essential that you figure out whether your mobile or tablet has USB Host or not before you order a DreamLover 2000 Mobile Edition.
  • The PC version of the DL Uplink software (used when you don't want to use your mobile on the male's side) requires Microsoft Windows XP or higher to run. Mac OS is NOT supported natively. It is possible to run Windows inside Mac OS with Parallels, or boot the Mac in Windows mode with BootCamp. Both methods will allow the DL Uplink to run, and the DL2K-LINK USB transmitter to interface with the body-worn receiver - however getting these to work is not simple and we cannot provide any assistance in the matter.